Hello! I’m
Michael VanKerckhove
I am an Associate
Member & Board Engagement | Creative Writer | Researcher
I bring over 20 years of arts, professional writing, nonprofit, and customer service experience to my role at Bostrom. I currently support membership, communications, events, and other administrative needs for the National Association of Housing Cooperatives, and the Telecommunications Risk Management Association. Getting to know the members and histories of these diverse organizations, their industries, and their personalities is what fuels my work each day. As a writer, I let curiosity and an open mind lead my way.
My Background
Prior to joining the Bostrom team, I served as the Executive Director of Theatre for Young Audiences/USA, the United States center for ASSITEJ – the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People. With TYA/USA, I co-hosted the 2015 One Theatre World conference & festival at The Theatre School at DePaul University and represented the organization at several other national and international events. I also led the publication efforts of the Young Playwrights for Change anthology series, which includes two volumes of plays written by middle school students from across the US tackling issues related to bullying and family. I have worked with other fine nonprofits including Open Books and NewTown Writers in Chicago and the Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce. I also bring with me many, many years of restaurant industry customer service experience.
I am a published author with works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry appearing in several print and digital publications including Rust Belt Chicago: An Anthology from Belt Publishing and the literary journals Midwestern Gothic and Sledgehammer Lit. My narrative, “What’s One Bullet?” featuring a Stroger Hospital trauma nurse, appears in How Long Will I Cry?: Voices of Youth Violence from Big Shoulders Books. I am involved in Chicago’s live lit storytelling community and have told stories in many events across the city and beyond. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and English from Western Michigan University and my Master of Arts in Writing & Publishing from DePaul University.
Beyond Bostrom
My Interests
The Arts
I could talk for days about
Books & Writerly Things
The Cure/Band of Brothers/Other Fandoms
My Friends & Family
You wouldn’t know if you didn’t ask
When I was 10 or 11 years old, I appeared as an extra in a local Detroit Clyde’s Carpet commercial with my dad. We were customers looking at price tags and feeling carpet textures, like you do as a kid with your dad.